Smithtown is a peaceful rural village on the banks of the Macleay River, 18kms north of Kempsey, NSW.

The twin towns of Smithtown and Gladstone lie on opposite banks of the Macleay River and are linked by the Smithtown Bridge.

The recently restored historic wharf is a great place for fishing and hosts varied water activities on the Macleay River

Shady Riverside Park is surrounded by towering Camphor Laurel Trees an ideal spot for a picnic or a barbecue.

Have a rummage for treasures at the old wares shop, visit the bowling club or stop at the hotel. The pub has a wonderful outlook over the river and a restful beer garden.

Smithtown also offers tennis courts, boat ramp; primary school; community hall, hotel, church, park; barbecue and picnic areas. For more information try the Kempsey Visitor Information Centre which may be able to help on 1800642480.